
Debbie Rowe: The missing tapes

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Debbie Rowe: The missing tapes

Footage from "The Interview you were never meant to see"- this includes Debbie's statements about the miscarriage (which happened while Michael was married to Lisa Marie). What is odd, is that she says she was 38 when she miscarried (she was born in 1958- I just looked it up).  So, that would have her turning 38 in 1996.  Prince was born in February 97- meaning he was conceived in May 1996.   Lisa filed for divorce in January 1996.  So the miscarriage happened prob in early 96- since she just turned 37 in 1995 (the only times a woman makes herself older is in her teens...from then on, you usually stay your age till midnight of your birthday...just saying).

Oh- and of course, the embedded code has been disabled.  Here are the links:

Debbie talking about the miscarriage:


Debbie defending Michael:

Talking about Prince's Birth ("Michael was definitly more excited than I was"...)


Paris' Birth:

When you love someone: (I really don't want to think about Debbie waking up in the middle of the night looking at a sleeping Michael...yuck):

Debbie about the marriage: ("Why did you get married"-"To prevent some of the taboo about children being born outside wedlock")
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Re: Debbie Rowe: The missing tapes

1. Wait, so she was trying to procreate when Michael was still married to LMP? Sorry I don't keep up with the timelines.

2. I disagree with her there. Fans don't like to hear this but I still disapprove of adult-child friendships and sleepovers regardless if nothing inappropriate happened. But that's another topic for another day.

3. Skipped that vid lol. I'll watch it later

4. Skipped that vid lol. I'll watch it later

5. Just creepy. Maybe if I believed this was actually a couple in love with each other and not a couple who got together to have children then I wouldn't be so creeped out by her staring at Michael in his sleep.

6. That's where they screwed up. Worrying about society's view of having children outside of marriage. A lot of the mess that followed the divorce wouldn't have occurred if Michael had just went about it like he did with Blanket. Too much drama sprung from all of this simply because they wanted to obey tradition.
Photobucket mj.com name: Chani aka Annie_ok
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Re: Debbie Rowe: The missing tapes

Hi Annie!

1)-So the rumors go.

5)- I KNOW.  I would have zero problem with this image had it been ...say ..me... watching him sleep.  I would call that sweet.  Plus, now, I have images of her sneaking around Neverland, into his room,to watch him sleep.  Because, you will NEVER convince me that they actually slept in the same room or bed together.

6)And I totally agree with you again.  So much could have been avoided had they just stuck to, what I believe to have been, the initial surrogacy agreement.  Look how quiet everything went with Blanket.
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Re: Debbie Rowe: The missing tapes

Planet Jackson
#1 I am of two minds about this.  If she did sneak with him--even if it was to be inseminated (there is some controversy about this)--I think she was wrong to do it during his marriage--but then there is some controversy about that; some say LMP gave her permission thinking he wasn't serious.  I find the whole thing hard to believe.  Theory:  perhaps she is putting this out there to get back at LMP, Michael's 'special friend.'
#5Right.   If they had just stuck to her being a surrogate, a lot of the aftermath after the divorce, and again regarding custody after his passing could have been avoided.  Plus, he would have been "free" to do whatever he wanted to regarding Lisa Marie.  Of course, with him being Michael Jackson and all, he was free anyway, so I choose to believe he did NOT want to remarry her.
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