
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 7/13/10 mention of LaToya, MJ, and Bubbles

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The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 7/13/10 mention of LaToya, MJ, and Bubbles

Planet Jackson
Jay Leno just made a joke about the Bubbles documentary where LaToya went to visit Bubbles at the sanctuary.  The joke went something like this:

LaToya just made a documentary about going to visit Michael Jackson's pet chimp Bubbles.  She talks about how disappointed Michael was that he couldn't teach Bubbles to talk.  He wasn't nearly as disappointed as he was that he couldn't teach LaToya to sing.

The joke was at Toya's expense, but I always perk up when I hear MJ's name.
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Re: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 7/13/10 mention of LaToya, MJ, and Bubbles

On Jimmy Fallon a couple of weeks ago, there was a comic who did a joke about Michael, and while it was freaky, it was sorta funny. I'll give the gist of the joke because I can't find a clip :(
The guy was talking about the time he heard the news Michael had passed. He was at his granpa's funeral and someone bursted through the door and yelled the news. Then someone put on Thriller and eveyrthing was alright again. He even said picked his grandpa  up out of the coffin and started making him dance like a zombie.
Of course,  the comedian told it better.